Wednesday, October 18, 2017

DIY Laundry Detergent
There are a lot of sites that tell how to make this. I make five gallons of the liquid recipe and it lasts me about a year. I use 1/2 cup of the liquid for a washer of clothes. Some laundry soaps make me itch, but this doesn't. I like it, it's cheap, and it works. When I started to make the second batch (a year later), I found the borax and Arm and Hammer washing soda had solidified. I chipped it up and bagged it in large Ziploc bags to prevent that problem. The third time I made it, I went ahead and mixed up the borax, grated fels naptha, and washing soda, writing "add 5 gallons of water" on the bag. I tried putting the bar of soap in the food processor, but grating with a hand grater worked better for me...and was a lot quieter. I've used this for three years now and don't think I'll ever go back to buying detergent. It's easier to buy it, but it's cheaper to do it this way because the borax and washing soda make more than one year's worth...and is cheap to but in the first place.

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