Sunday, February 22, 2015

Not My Usual

The gift shop at the hospital sells donated books for twenty-five cents each. I usually like science fiction, fantasy, and a few authors that I've been reading for years.
So finding a new author is good, but not easy.
I thought I'd try this one. The price was right. When I got it home, I discovered it was the fifth one in the series. So I found the series on audible and listened to a snippet to see if the narrator drove me nuts.
I am on the third one, now. Nothing is blowing up but the characters are good. The author is actually an Irish doctor and the main characters are general practitioners in a rural Irish town. It is set in the sixties with socialized medicine. The book isn't critical of socialized medicine, but it is enough different that it is interesting.
Some of the stuff about doctors is a lot like teachers...every effort isn't a success and it hurts. The successes feel great and having somebody express appreciation is also welcome.

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