Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Disposable Tins

The four foil tins stacked contain dressing. I have two more in the refrigerator to cook tomorrow.  I prefer the 8x8 pans.  I had to ask where they were.  The roasting pans were easy to find and also the cake pans.  These are called cake pans, but to me they are brownie pans.  Some stores put all of the disposable tins together, but some spread them out so a tour guide is needed to locate the right one.
Making dressing is kind of a pain so we usually make enough for extras at Thanksgiving. I have enough bowls that can go in the freezer and the over, but they don't stack neatly the way the disposable tins do.  I also have a couple of candied sweet potatoes in the tins.  Nice to not have to clean them, just toss them.  I'm pretty sure they aren't company fare, but I'm fine with buffet-style serving.

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