Friday, October 31, 2014

Essential Oils

I used peppermint oil in Germany to treat headaches. It worked. When we came back to the States, I tried it with peppermint oil I could find over here. It didn't do anything except make my eyes water.
Then, recently, I found some that does work. It is therapeutic grade and works nicely.
But I also wanted to try scents. I'm allergic to a lot of fragrances, but not from real flowers or herbs. So it seems that it is something else in fragrances that make my head hurt and sometimes makes me sick at my stomach.
I've gotten some oils at WalMart and Hobby Lobby for scents, not for putting on myself or consuming internally. I even still have apple and cinnamon from our stay in Germany.
But I decided I wanted something Christmasy to use in my diffuser. I stopped at a place called Sensational Scents and got several small containers. I hope I like them.

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