Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gorgeous Sunday

The weather is beautiful, our flowers are looking enthusiastic, and I'm really tired.
I put out six loads of mulch and it will take a while to finish that area.  The lilacs we put out this year look good, but I watered them.  Why wait until the turn brown?
We took a shelving unit from the shed to the front porch of my playhouse (arts and crafts, greenhouse, etc.)
I sanded it as it was lumpy dirty from its stint in the shed.  I plan to paint it, but not today.
I've spent a while trying to get my iPod to sync.  I downloaded the update and now I'm not authorized to do anything with my iPod...including transfer the audible books I paid for!  Apple wants me to pay for a consult.  Well, at that rate, every time they put out an update, I could be paying them so I can use what I've already paid for!
Yea, Apple!

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