Friday, April 27, 2012

I Hate Being Wrong

I really hate being wrong.  But I like finding out I'm wrong.  That means I can fix it and not be wrong any more.  Well, about whatever it is.
The most recent revelation was that my feet seem to not hurt as much since I've started walking.  I'm not a fan of exercise and it seems absolutely stupid to walk when my feet are so unhappy.  But they really do feel better.  The big ol' question now is, do I want my feet to feel better to the point where I'll continue to walk for exercise when I'm finished with my vacation?  The excursions show icons of somebody running up a mountain and say it is strenuous.  Leigh seems to think people with walkers shouldn't sign up for them.
I've walked for about four days now.  Four loops around the driveway took me 17 minutes the first two days.  The third day I only made one loop, but today I did the four loops in 11 minutes.  I'm getting better.  I'm also using different shoes to try to determine which I should take.  The lace up crocs seemed like a reasonably good choice because they are lightweight. But I could feel the rocks in the driveway through the soles.  So I think I probably need a different sole.  The Nikes feel better than the Merrels so far, but I'm not completely decided.


  1. Those people are hiking up the mountain. Not running. Just to be clear. I will not be running up Mt. Vesuvius.

  2. Good to know. I was picturing myself meeting everyone as they return.
