Friday, May 10, 2013

Hoping for Something Cuter

I've been looking for a way to identify plants and colors.  I've looked at catalogs, online, and a hardware store's garden department.  At the garden department a very helpful clerk showed me what they had.  But really, I was looking for something cuter.
So my husband said he could get treated 2x4s and I could paint them and write whatever I wanted to on them.  So I thought about some wooden templates I had gotten from Hobby Lobby when I was painting them for Christmas mementos for students.  I don't know how many I have, but a good many.  So I dug them out and thought they would be cute attached to the tops of the stakes.  My husband agreed that they will be cute, but doesn't think they will be durable even if they are painted with exterior gloss.  But I already have them and exterior paint so I thought I'd try them.
We've had 4.4 inches of rain and it was still raining when I got all my stuff out onto the porch.
The wind caught the light wooden templates and lofted them off of the little bottles of paint when I had put them to dry.  Maybe later.

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