Friday, January 6, 2012

Art Room

I decided the walls in my art room looked bad.  I didn't want to paint everything, so I used a sponge and painted on the spots.  I painted where there weren't spots, too, so it wouldn't look quite so odd.  I'm not finished, but I'm not in a hurry, either.
The senior center put out a newspaper (flyer?) and gave Larry a copy when he went to donate the checkerboard he'd made for practice.  It has an art class listed as meeting Mondays at 9:00 a.m.  I called and got the name and phone number of the instructor.  She said there is room in the class for me.  They paint oil paintings on canvas.  I asked if it would be all right if I bring my folk art projects and just paint in proximity with them but on my own projects.  She said that would be fine; the senior center gets a certain amount of funding based on attendance.  So they will be happy to see me, and I'll have people to talk to who are also painting.
We'll see how that goes. 

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