Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thanks, ACLU

I don't usually laugh out loud before 8 A.M., but I did today.  The ACLU decided that dances for Mothers and Sons or Fathers and Daughters discriminate against those kids with the parent missing.
I'm not saying it isn't sad, but it's the fact that the parent is missing that is sad, not the name of the dance.  And the child misses the parent every day whether or not a dance is held.
So, name the dance parent and child.  No, wait.  That discriminates against those kids who live with foster parents, aunts, grandparents, etc.
What about those kids who live with their parents but said parent would rather be dipped in oil than go to a dance with anybody?  What about those kids who would rather be dipped in oil than go to a dance with a parent?
Name the dance cross-generation dance.  No, that would have a possibility of really inappropriate pairs.
What about Grandparents' Day? Are we discriminating against kids with no grandparents nearby (or alive)?  Of course.  They can't come and spend money at the book fair.

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